10 Graphic Design Niches

When we say graphic design we refer to a very broad term that encompasses a lot of niches. From my own personal experience I have realised that while the design foundation is common for all the niches from a visual standpoint, the difference comes in terms of the implementation and thought process required along with nuances specific to those graphic design niches. 

In this article I would like to cover the various niches that I have come across and hope it gives you, especially if you are a beginner in the field of graphic design an idea about the possibilities that lie ahead of you and what suits you more. 

In my humble opinion, trying things for yourself by working on projects, be it real life or personal, will help you determine if a category will work for you or not. Just reading and listening to what others say can only give you an idea about the category and their existence, it is in your hands to test the waters before jumping in. 

Being a specialist in a few niches (usually two to three complementary) will help you focus better and master them. This helps in gaining more expertise, credibility in the set niches and in turn lead to commanding higher fees in the long run. However, if you find yourself gravitating towards multiple such niches then consider being a T-shaped designer, wherein you are a specialist in a few complementary niches and a generalist in the other niches you are interested in.

Following are the 10 different niches in graphic design - 


Visual identity:

One of the popular niches which is beneficial from the monetary front as well. Please note that visual identity is different from brand identity and it is a topic I would like to cover in the near future. 

Visual identity focuses on how a company or business is represented visually and it comprises logo, typography, imagery, colour palette. The identity needs to be in a way that it suits all the touch points related to the company. 

It is important to craft a visual identity keeping in mind the company’s values and goals in order for it to stand out amongst its competitors and to connect with its customers. The key is to craft an identity that is personalised to the company you are designing for. 

Logo design: 

Logo is one of the visual elements you will design when you are designing an entire visual identity for a company. It is used to represent a company in the simplest way visually. When designing logos, the challenge is to represent the company using simple illustration or icon along with type to stand out from the competition.

Packaging design: 

Packaging design is another visual element under visual identity primarily required for physical products. It is required that you craft designs considering form, structure and function along with tactile materials. Here again it is important for the design to be personalised to the brand and stand out such that people can quickly identify. It also helps the packaging to cut through the competition. 

User interface design and user experience design:

A niche that is becoming more popular in recent times and also a requirement with the need for digital solutions. Given the demand monetarily it is a well paying niche. 

Solutions are crafted by understanding the problem and user requirements and the solution can be either in the form of a website, app, or any form of interface through which a user can interact with the solution developed. 

Hence it is a field that not only focuses on the visual aspect but also on the user experience aspect which includes user research, user psychology, usability testing, accessibility to name a few.  Every decision is backed by research and data. 

Type design: 

Refers to creating new typefaces and fonts. A few use cases include logo, title sequence, signage, brand typography. 

Motion graphics: 

While animation in general refers to frame by frame used in films and commercials it varies from motion graphics. Motion graphics refers to moving graphics such as type, shapes and images. Another difference between animation and motion graphics is that animation will have a story whereas motion graphics aims to bring in subtle movement to enhance the user experience and visual communication. 

Motion graphics can be used to add movement to infographics, typography, social media posts, advertisements, logo sequences, video presentations, video titles, video effects and transitions, gifs.


While illustration has an artistic nature associated with it, from a design perspective illustration can be incorporated in a more simple, graphical way to enhance visual communication.

Graphic illustration includes icons for brands, artwork for infographics, hand lettering, packaging, custom typography, motifs for pattern and texture, artwork for posters, artwork for t-shirts and merchandise, digital products and album art.

Incorporating 3D is becoming a popular choice in illustration and motion graphics. 

Marketing design: 

Also referred to as design for marketing or social media design. Focused on strategic communication for advertising or promotion. Key focus is on the message, target audience, and visuals.

While presently digital marketing takes an upper hand the need for print marketing is still there such as ads in newspapers, pamphlets to name a few. 

Publication design: 

Focuses on both print and digital publication although there is a shift from print to digital.

On the print side publication design focuses on creating design for print mediums such as magazine covers and layouts, leaflets and flyers, newspaper layouts, book covers, stationery design, brochure design, and catalogues.

On the digital side publication design focuses on creating design for digital media like social media, powerpoint or keynote presentations.

Surface pattern design: 

Similar to illustration, surface pattern design is inclined towards the art side. You aim at  creating artwork to be used as decoration, either stand alone or with other visual elements with the aim to create a distinct appearance in the form of patterns and textures. 

Surface pattern design can be used in branding, packaging, wallpaper, textile and fabrics. 

I hope this article helped you get an insight into the niches available in graphic design.