5 Typography Tips for Designers

As a designer, typography is one of the most important skill to have. It is a skill that will help you differentiate yourself from other designers and make your work stand out. 

Contrast is key

Contrast can be achieved using colour, weight, font size, and even different typefaces. 

To achieve good contrast with weight skip a weight. For example, go from regular to bold, semi bold to extra bold. 

Ensure you clearly highlight the contrast as otherwise there won't be much difference and it won’t create the intended impact. 

Opt for one or two typefaces

You can opt to stick to one typeface and bring in contrast using weights. However you can also opt for two typefaces along with different weights to highlight the contrast but do not exceed more than two typefaces. 

Ensure hierarchy is clear

Ensure you have a clear visual hierarchy to guide the user as to what should be read first, second and so on. This hierarchy helps in communicating the information in a sequential and clear manner which helps in clear navigation. 

Choose typefaces according to context and audience

Choose your typeface according to your target audience and the intended emotional connection that the design should aim for. You can check out the article on font psychology to help you choose the right typeface for your project. 

Have negative space 

Negative space helps your text breathe and aids in comfortable reading. It is not necessary that very empty space needs to be filled. 

With this we come to the end of this article, it is a short one but I hope it was of value to you.