Adobe Illustrator Tips - Part 1

In this article we will cover 5 illustrator tips. 

Tip 1: Divide objects below 

Helps cut out select object from another object. 

Step 1: Create object A and B using the rectangle and star tool respectively. 

Step 2: Place object B on top of A.

Step 3: Select object B and Object -> Path -> Divide object below.  

Step 4: Shape of object B is cut out in object A. Remove object B and the result is as follows.

Tip 2: Join tool 

Used to join intersecting paths by removing excess portions and to join paths with gaps between them to form a closed path. 

Consider the following paths, wherein on the left the paths are intersecting and need to be joined by removing the excess. The one on the right needs to be joined to form a closed path.

Select the join tool (comes along with the pencil tool). Drag over the excess portion on the left and draw a line connecting the paths on the right. The result is as follows.

Tip 3: Live paint Bucket

Comes under the shape builder tool and is used to paint closed paths. The paths divide the drawing into areas which can be coloured regardless of whether the area is bounded by a single path or multiple paths. 

Group the paths and when you click for the first time a live paint group is created. An alternate method is to select all the paths and Object -> Live paint -> Make. 

The following is an example of how we can use the live paint tool. There are three rectangles overlapping each other on the left. The live paint tool helps us access the overlapping areas and colour them according to our requirement.

If we make a change to a path the live paint ensures the fill is adjusted to suit the modified path area as well. 

It fills with respect to the live paint group and not the actual paths that define them hence some operations like magic wand, align, graphs don’t work. 

Using the live paint selection and shift key we can select multiple parts and colour or recolour as per our requirement. 

Tip 4: Common Keyboard Shortcuts 

Option + Shift + Command + V - Paste on all artboards. 

Command + 2 - Lock selection.

Option + Command  + 2 - Unlock selection. 

X - Toggle between fill and stroke colour. 

D - Reset fill and stroke colour to black and white. 

Command Y -  View outline. 

Tip 5: Distribute Objects by Custom Amount 

Helps distribute objects by specifying the exact distance between them. 

Step 1: Create three squares A, B, and C using the rectangle tool and let us distribute B with respect to A and C with respect to B using custom horizontal spacing of 30px and 60px respectively. 

Step 2: Select A and B, then select A again as we want to align B with respect to A.

Step 3: In the align panel, press the three dots (...) and enter the value in distribute spacing. Press horizontal distribute space and the result is as follows.

Step 4: Step 2 and 3 can be applied to horizontally distribute B and C and the result is as follows. 

The same method can be applied for custom vertical distribution as well.