Brand Collateral

In today's article we will discuss what are brand collaterals, why they are important and what are the different types of brand collaterals. 

Brand Collateral 

Refers to creative assets created utilising the visual identity based on the brand strategy. They can be both physical and digital assets utilised for marketing campaigns and to enhance the overall brand experience by clearly communicating the formulated brand identity along with the visual identity. Both brand identity and visual identity are formulated after working on the brand strategy. 

Why are brand collateral important?

They are creative assets that emphasise the brand strategy and contribute to the overall brand experience. Having a cohesive brand collateral will help people identify the brand easily and eventually increase their trust as they see consistency and cohesiveness. The brand strategy along with consistency and cohesiveness across all collaterals will help people to emotionally connect with the brand. 

It is a known fact that when a brand emotionally connects with the people they turn into customers not for a one time purchase but into a regular recurring customer who also recommend the brand to their friends and family which is key. Spending money on marketing to acquire new customers for one time purchase is a costly choice and not viable in the long run. 

Types of brand collateral

Brand collateral can be both physical and digital in form. However, considering the current scenario, the majority of the collaterals created are for digital use. This is not to say that physical collaterals are not important, it is just that the digital medium is more prominently in use today. 


Business card 


Letterhead, Envelope and Notepads


Brochures, Flyers and Posters


Exhibition displays

Promotional goods like pens, tote bags, bottles and keychains. 


ID cards


Social media posts

Social Media Banners



Display Advertising

E Publication (magazines, reports, e books)


Following is a collage (images from unsplash) of popular brands and one or two physical collaterals they use. Please note that based on the marketing campaigns requirement the collaterals can vary slightly visually but they will still hold on to the base visual identity (variation adhering to the visual identity mostly in the form of ad ons on top of the visual identity). 

With this we come to the end of this article. I hope the article was of value to you, thank you for taking the time to read and have a great day ahead.