Logos and their meaning - Part 1

As a logo designer one way I find inspiration is to breakdown logos created by other designers to understand their thought process. 

In today’s article I will share the breakdown of the following three logos: Toyota, Gillette and Hyundai.


The overlapping of the two perpendicular ovals inside the outer oval symbolise letter T for Toyota along with symbolising the heart of the customer and the heart of the company, overlapping to represent a mutually beneficial relationship and trust between the two. 

The outer oval signifies the world embracing Toyota.

Each oval is drawn with different stroke thicknesses, pointing to Japanese calligraphy art and culture given Toyota is a Japanese company.

The space in the background within the logo is meant to exhibit the infinite values which Toyota stands for like quality, value beyond expectation, the joy of driving, innovation, and integrity in safety, the environment and social responsibility.


It is a wordmark logo. Wherein the top end of letter G and the lower end of the dot on letter I have sharp edges cut at an angle representing a razor. 


The logo consists of a letterform with a slanted H but there is more significance to it. 

The slanted letter H leans right, suggesting movement into the future. 

The logo loosely resembles two silhouettes shaking hands and this represents Hyundai’s commitment to customer service and teamwork. It also represents a salesperson reaching a deal with a customer.

The oval shape depicts the globe and how Hyundai has expanded throughout the world.

I hope this article gave you an insight into the thought process behind the logos of Toyota, Gillette and Hyundai. I plan to share more such breakdowns as I learn about them in the near future. 

Thank you for reading, have a great day.