Principles of graphic design

In this article I would like to go through the principles of graphic design. While there is no particular order of importance, I would like to emphasise the fact that all of them go hand in hand, making your design more organised, appealing and cohesive. 


Items related to each other should be grouped together as it helps in organising information, reducing clutter and in providing a clear structure. Proximity implies relationship. 



Every element should have a visual connection with another element on the page to create a clean and sophisticated look. 

When elements are aligned on the page, it results in a cohesive and organised page. They can be left, right or centre aligned. 

Centre alignment should be a conscious choice and not a default choice. 



Helps define important information and sequence the elements within a composition. The user should be able to follow a logical progression through the piece, from a definite beginning to a definite end. 



Contrast is the most effective way to add visual interest to our design. It not only helps draw attention but also helps to organise information, clarify hierarchy, guide the reader around the page, and provide focus. 



Repeating some aspects of the design throughout the entire piece helps ensure consistency. You can repeat visual elements like colours, shapes, illustrations, fonts, etc. Repetition also helps in adding visual interest. 



Can be symmetric or asymmetric wherein symmetric balance weights the elements evenly on either side of the design. Asymmetric balance uses contrast to even out the flow of design. 
