Why does your business require a website?

In today's day and age it is important that businesses across industries irrespective of their size have a website. One of the primary reasons to have a website is that people prefer visiting the website to know more about a business before making a decision whether they wish to actually turn into a customer or not. 

While the initial setup cost of a website including the design and development may seem expensive to a lot of business owners, it is important to understand that the ROI of having a website outweighs the initial setup cost. 

There are many reasons as to why having a website benefits a business and in this article we will be covering the same. 


A website is seen as a reliable source of information about a business. The lack of a website will not leave a good impression about your business and will lead to some questioning the legitimacy of your business. 


A website helps to clearly establish who you are and what your values are thereby helping people understand the business better and also establish it as a brand which helps in building better relationships with your target audience. This will also help them to differentiate you from your competitors. 

As we all know, establishing your business as a brand is what helps people to connect with it and in turn, turn them into customers. Websites play a crucial role in establishing your business as a brand. Having a website of your own lets you customise your website visually according to your brand guideline which helps strengthen your brand. 


Having a website helps you to get discovered online with the help of digital marketing and SEO. Once people find you and go through your website the possibility of them wanting to turn into a customer is high. Hence a website helps you generate leads for your business. 

Improves customer service  

Usually people call a business when they don’t find basic information. Having a website helps in giving all the necessary information thereby improving the overall customer experience. 

Online presence independent of algorithms 

Having a website helps you establish an online presence and maintain authority without having to depend on social media entirely and the constant algorithm changes that come with it. Plus social media platforms come and go hence having our own space on the internet is beneficial. However please note that social media when used efficiently has its own advantages that will benefit your business but the point here is to not rely on it solely. 

Offers social proof 

You can use your website as a platform to showcase what your clients and customers have to say about your business. Testimonials combined with what you do as a business and other useful information help increase trust.  

I hope this article was helpful in understanding the importance of a business having a website irrespective of the industry you are operating in and scale. If you are interested in reading more articles in the line of web design and web development you can check out the following two articles in my blog. 

What is CMS in web design? - https://www.priyankabhaskar.com/blog/what-is-cms-in-web-design

Web design vs web development - https://www.priyankabhaskar.com/blog/web-design-vs-web-development